Subject: This again?
Posted on: 2017-09-17 14:24:00 UTC

I'm pretty sure we had this conversation last time, only with more capslock. Once again, to quote my dear would-be rival D4rkm0k, he's totes gay. It's all there in the subtext.

That said, you are completely free to write Nume with "someone like a girl," by which I presume you mean your OC, if you want to! It would be better if you based it on his actual character and not a rancid garbage fire like Christian Grey, but hey, de gustibus non disputandem est, right?

... I miss D4rkm0k. Sigh.


(( I looked up the 2015 Badfic Game to quote myself. That year was kind of epic.

(( Also, yeee. ^_^ ~Neshomeh ))

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