Subject: Ai ave a storri to vrite tou.
Posted on: 2017-09-07 18:42:00 UTC

Richard end Marina ouere sent back tou anozer micheun fore ze ivil Floueurs, dans un setting caulled Chine Mégami Tenséi, ouere zere are mény ivil monsteurs, tou kill eu Siu, ou can seummon mini dimons, bicoz zat's eune important fing in Chine Mégami Tenséi.

Leukily, Perussona are bétteur que Dimons, so Richard can kill zem ole. Zen Marina kill the Siu wiv blak majic, bicoz ze Siu iz ivil énd dizerv it.

((Finally sent my master's degree to my teacher. My last week as a student.))

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