Subject: What the plum pudding is this?
Posted on: 2017-09-04 15:54:00 UTC

Wait, wait. I think I get it. You want to write porn, but you're nervous, right? That's where all the parodic elements are coming from. You're afraid nobody will take you seriously, so you're saving them the trouble of taking the wind out of your sails by doing it yourself.

Poor thing. Look, if you want to write porn, do it! Ships ahoy, mate, and darn the torpedoes! I mean, you're gonna want to spend some time properly setting up the relationship first, because good lord are the characters acting like poorly rendered caricatures of themselves here, but you're halfway there. Just take the suck out. Or, tell you what, just skip to the X-rated parts and go for broke. Nothing wrong with a little PWP here and there. Do it. Just do it. Don't let your dreams stay dreams! : D


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