Subject: The reply in which you get wrecked!
Posted on: 2017-09-04 19:21:00 UTC

I AM NOT PLAGIARIZING JAYCACIA. (Good God, that's a stupid name! At least Morana is an actual name!) I didn't even know who Jaycacia was when I started writing this, and I still don't really think I'm ripping off of her just because a prophecy is involved.

Here are a few reasons why Morana is not a ripoff of Jaycacia:
1. Morana is not a ship child of two existing agents. Morana came from Sin City itself (Las Vegas), which if you'd read the goddang story, you would have known!

2. Morana has a completely different appearance and demeanor than Jaycacia. Jaycacia's color scheme is orange and yellow. Morana's color scheme is pink and black. Jaycacia's personality is sweet and cute like a 10-year-old is cute (as it says on the Wiki.) Morana is a different kind of cute, like a boy in high school would say that there's a "cute girl" in his class. That kind of cute. She also actually has a butt-kicking mindset, instead of just accidentally murdering things like Jaycacia does.

3. My inspiration for Morana was the greatest fanfiction of all time, My Immortal, and its protagonist, Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Again, I knew nothing about Jaycacia when I wrote the first chapter. Perhaps I should take advantage of this favorite in my reply to you by saying: You're a forking prep!

4. Prophecies are literally everywhere in stories. Anakin Skywalker was a chosen one. The three grandkits of Firestar were chosen ones and Firestar himself was a chosen one. Discovering that you are suddenly in a world with no idea what anything is is everywhere in fiction. Think about the first Portal game, think about Minecraft, think about Avatar (not ATLA, the one with the blue-skinned people.) And as such, you have ZERO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, aside from Avlates_usted's suggestion about changing my fic (which I won't do, NOR take it down, NOR TEN OTHER SYNONYMS FOR TAKE IT DOWN, especially now that you're up in my a** about it), which now that my argument had been explained doesn't count as evidence anymore, that I was stealing your precious, preppy, ubermensching, Enya-listening, wolf-loving Mary Sue. Now that I know things about her, I wouldn't even want to steal your idea, she's such a piece of poop. BIRD POOP.

Hah. You can't even make a case, little bird. Fly back to your mommy's nest before you squawk another thing you regret or splat another white splatter with a stupid name on this earth.

-Nightmare Twistey the Demon Fox Animatronic


(Note from the Non-Suethor:

Wait, is this actually Jay, or... Never been contacted by Jay before on the Board. Nice to "meet" you, haha. Did you like my Suethor's roast of your Suethor? I thought the bird jokes were a nice touch :P


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