Subject: Another Mission: Dangerous Mission 2!
Posted on: 2017-09-01 23:43:00 UTC

[AN: Thanks for the reviews guys!!! Except for the trolls, the trolls can go and [REDACTED BY FFW STAFF]!]
Captain Deadly got back to his cubicle. on his wall was his army uniform he used when he served with the Spacwolfs. On his other wall was a picture of his daughter which he had after he entered the army. Then an alarm on his computer rang. it was from the boss. he picked up the piece of paper and went out to the portals, heading for middleeath. When he got to middlearth, he disguised himself as one of the dwarfs. He was naturally short, so this was easy for him. Deadly continued to look around until he saw the Sue. He realized she was going to join the fellowship. So he convinced legolas to let him join the fellowship too. "hello legolas," he said. "I'm Deadly. Let me join the fellowship." "Sure thing said legolas." He travelled with the fellowship for several years as they moved towards mordor. The Sue, "Mary Smith," tried to kill gandalf at the Mines, so Deadly Saved Him. Finally, just after the sue almost killed Boromir inside Barred Door - requiring Deadly to save him - Deadly finally had enough charges so he stood up and said "I am going to kill you because you are a marry sue and I am ppc agent." "Oh no" said the sue. And then Deadly killeded her with a Plasma Ruffle from Dune. Arwen wanted to marry him in thanks, but he turned her down because he wanted to get back to work. So he portalled out.

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