Subject: (( There's endless potential material, isn't there? ))
Posted on: 2017-09-15 15:43:00 UTC

Time Lords, ex-Suvians, Flowers, aliens, magic, technology, PPC science, history, Narrative Laws, culture... and that's not to mention the basics of doing the job itself, for the various departments. From an internal perspective, the PPC is really huge. Wow. o.o

But yes, Nume the lit teacher! College-level, because anything less would no doubt result in murder-suicide and there's a little more room for eccentricity if you get tenure. He was in grad school at the time he wandered into HQ, so I suppose he was pretty far along. The idea was to eventually see fantasy and SF treated as serious literature and not brushed off as "genre fiction," which is sadly a thing that still happens today.

As for Lem, no worries. {= ) Your plan for them sounds about right, and that initial look of Malfoy-esque disdain could be down to any number of factors. And maybe lightfairy will write them totally different. ... It would be funny if they randomly switched sex every other chapter or so.

Student 1: ... Wait, weren't you a woman yesterday?

Lemony: *shrug* Eh, I'm not fussed.

Student 2: But are you a guy or a girl?

Lemony: Does it matter? Gender is a largely artificial social construct used to force people into prescribed roles that may or may not actually suit them for the sole purpose of making it simpler for the privileged to control the disadvantaged. Who needs it?

Students: But... uh... bwuh? O.o

Lemony: *sigh* Just stick with "they/them" if you're not sure. It won't hurt, I promise.

... That was fun. ^_^


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