Subject: ((Well...))
Posted on: 2017-09-14 06:13:00 UTC

((For my part, it's meant to be reasonably good (if unedited), but a little bit (to a lot) off my normal style. For instance, I wouldn't normally go straight for "like an anime character", but here I thought of it and just went for it. So...expect more cliches and little to no editing? And less regard for good story flow/some characterisation details/better word choice? I mean, I am trying to get the agents in character, but it's working from memory rather than from going and rereading and getting a beta or two to catch things that sound a bit off.

Hm. Essentially, I think I'm aiming for "relatively good but somewhat careless in places." Low effort, basically, which makes sense for the Avlates persona's resultant style (even though at her age--which is older teenager--and at DuskWater's--younger teenager, maybe fourteen or fifteen--I did spend a ton of time editing most things I posted. Which is part of why a lot of what I wrote stayed on my computer, most likely.

Anyway. I'm glad you're enjoying it :) It was very fun to do.

Now I just need to finish the next chapters of the two fics I started posting last week, not to mention the third thing I came up with...though at least that one's probably a oneshot.

(Self advertising, what self advertising? This is a Subtle Reminder, this is.)


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