Subject: One point
Posted on: 2019-08-10 15:12:00 UTC

> [Having the first black female lead] isn’t really all that special, because we’ve already had Janeway (who was female) and Sisko (who was black), so combining the two isn’t really that much of a big deal.

It's probably more of a big deal if you're a black woman.

Please be aware: the idea that you get to dictate when a minority group should be satisfied with their level of representation in mass media is pretty much the definition of privilege. You do not get to decide that. Only the group in question does.

Also, could I ask you to consider framing your critique of the show without reference to what the creators say outside of it? Anything said outside of the text is irrelevant to a critique of said text unless you're specifically intending a meta analysis. Referring to it constantly looks a whole lot like you're inserting politics into things yourself, which I wouldn't mind if it wasn't something you claim annoys you so much. What politics have actually showed up within the text, without reference to anything outside of it? (This is a sincere question; I don't know the answer because I haven't seen the show.)


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