Subject: Minh... don't. Just don't.
Posted on: 2019-08-06 12:18:00 UTC

I'm glad you came to see why your previous attitude didn't mesh well with our community's standards, but I have huge problems with what you've said here.

I don't watch Doctor Who or BSG, so I can't pass judgment on the quality of those shows and the views expressed in them, but I've told you already that entertainment and politics aren't as separate as you seem to think. Your beloved Star Trek (which is also my beloved Star Trek, incidentally) has always, always been political. During the run of The Original Series, Nichelle Nichols was asked by Martin Luther King himself to stay on the show, because her character was so important for black representation in mainstream media in a time when the Civil Rights Movement was actively happening. You can hardly call Star Trek "not political" if you know... pretty much anything about the show. And you know, complaining about those damn SJWs and calling progressive writing "propaganda" is hardly a good way to convince us that you're on the progressive side yourself. That's all I'm going to say on this subject - I'll leave the rest to people who know more about these shows.

What I myself am getting very upset about here is your attitude towards nerd culture. I myself am a nerd, I myself was bullied pretty cruelly in middle school, and stories have always been my number one refuge. But - and this is very important - just because you love a story doesn't mean you own it>. Nerd culture is not an exclusive club anymore, and you don't get to dictate who and how can enjoy the stuff you like. I won't go into how Star Trek has always been mainstream because it's one of the biggest and oldest franchises in sci-fi - that's a rant for another day. But if you have a problem with your favorite shows and whatnot being accessible to more people than before, that's your problem, not theirs. You don't get to tell who does and doesn't get to be a part of nerd culture. Your enjoyment of something doesn't, or at the very least, shouldn't depend on who else happens to also like it.

You were disappointed in Discovery, and it was a big deal for you, I can understand that. I myself have had giant disappointments in fandoms that were literally keeping me alive in dark times, but that doesn't mean I get to cry about how MY THINGS PERSONALLY were ruined. These fandoms don't belong to you, or to the Elite Nerd Club. Your opinions and love for them does - but that's it.

Complain about the quality of TV shows and other stories, sure. But don't say that they were ruined because they became mainstream. Don't gatekeep, Minh - it's anything but progressive.

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