Subject: My two cents on this whole situation.
Posted on: 2019-08-07 15:03:00 UTC

  1. You weren't accused of gatekeeping - you WERE doing it. Trying to determine who can call themselves a true fan of something IS gatekeeping.

    2. Nobody accused you of being a straight-up right-winger. What we are saying, however, is that you keep spouting conservative rhetoric and terminology (and you yourself said that your view on the liberal politics of Discovery is shared mostly by right-wingers) despite saying that you're on the progressive side.

    3. Your problems with Discovery were, as far as I can understand, its writing and worldbuilding compared to the previous canon (okay, fair enough), its "feminazi" rhetoric, and the fact that the Elite Trek Nerd Club was threatened by outsiders who weren't "true fans" and didn't know "real Star Trek". It has been explained to you why these latter two points don't show you in a particularly positive light.

    4. I can't say whether you are unwelcome here, because I can't speak in the name of the whole community. But you have been asked repeatedly to reexamine your views and the attitudes you have expressed here.

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