Subject: Right, this is all I'm going to say in this thread.
Posted on: 2019-08-06 23:49:00 UTC

First: You said, quote, "What I don’t expect is to go onto a Trek message board, and encounter people who think that the Jar Jar Abrams movies are representative of real Star Trek."

The argument you made is that the J. J. Abrams movies are not "real Star Trek," and that fans of those movies who don't also like the classic TV shows therefore cannot call themselves fans of "real Star Trek". Therefore, you are telling people who call themselves fans of a franchise, or at least a portion of that franchise, that they are not really fans of that franchise. How is that not "trying to keep others out of [a] community?"

Second: "we don't talk like that on the Board" is gatekeeping the Board. You are trying to exclude someone from commenting on what you said in what is more or less a public forum in addition to saying that you don't care what they have to say. It's fine if you don't care what people have to say, but that raises a question: if you don't care about what others think, then why did you make a post at all? From here, it looks like you wanted to produce drama, especially since your original post basically said "Don't like, don't read" right at the start.

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