Subject: For me, fiction is all about learning new perspectives.
Posted on: 2019-08-08 13:57:00 UTC

I do feel that my understanding of other people, and the reasons for their emotions and actions, has been helped greatly by all the fiction I've consumed over my life. Since I've never been very emotionally complex myself, being able to read the internal thoughts of characters through narration has helped me to understand real people much better, and developed my ability to empathize.

Another aspect of this, of course, is hearing other fans' interpretations of things, and discovering even more points of view. Being only a single human, my view of the world is inherently limited, so learning how other people experience that same world gives me a broader view of it, and a deeper understanding. That's why variety is so critical within a fandom; it lets everyone within that fandom share a broader understanding of it, and of the real world truths that canon can teach us.

And that aspect ties into your other point about politics in fiction, which I wasn't initially planning to go into, but the conversation has segued me there. I've never liked the argument that fiction shouldn't be made political. Politics is composed of people, and fiction is created by people. Fiction isn't just plain entertainment to be sucked down our eyeballs; fiction is a message communicated to us by the creator, even after the creator is long dead—their own views of humanity and the world, more new perspectives for us to understand and learn. Lost wasn't just an action mystery about characters trapped on an island; it was Cartlon Cuse and Damon Lindelof examining the weaknesses of humanity through the eyes of characters trapped in their own fears and pride. The original Star Trek wasn't just science fiction; it was Gene Roddenberry communicating his dreams for humanity's cultural development through the medium of science fiction. And just as our favorite creators share their views with us through their medium, we can learn even more from the views of our fellow fans, even if we don't agree with everything we learn.

—doctorlit and his philosophical view of consuming fiction

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