Subject: A few pointers on what I mean
Posted on: 2019-08-06 13:43:00 UTC

In response to mirage fontaine:

- By definition, I am progressive. I support gender equality. I support the gay rights movement. I am a advocate for action against climate change. I want the future to look more like what Star Trek envisions. What I do NOT support is the extreme left. Tumblrites. Femnazis (my least favourite kind of Nazi). Men-haters. Basically anyone who’s a dick about being progressive and tries to ruin the fun for everyone else. I despise people like Anita Sarkeesian because they want to corrupt a entire industry to fit their veiwpoint and their’s alone. I despise people like Alex Kurtzman, who make such a big deal over trivial things like ‘the first interacial gay couple on Star Trek’, before invoking the ‘Bury your Gays’ trope, and making the whole point moot anyway- just to tick a box on the ‘Social Justice’ checklist. Diversity has become the sole hiring quality in Hollywood. People who act worse than others in a specific role are now selected for their skin colour, sexuality or gender; rather than valid qualifiers like experience, skill, or even suitability for the roll they are tasked with playing. THIS is what pisses me off more than anything.

* BSG isn’t a problem for me. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have brought it up immediately after mentioning the bad stuff.

*I don’t gatekeep. What I don’t expect is to go onto a Trek message board, and encounter people who think that the Jar Jar Abrams movies are representative of real Star Trek. People used that “oh, I’m a fan because I watched three seconds of that movie” back when I was in Hogh School to bully me. I don’t appreciate a similar sentiment being used to qualify someone as a dedicated fan. Especially if they claim to have no idea what a Tribble is.

*My issue is with the writers, and how they can somehow hijack massive pillars of fandom without having watched ANY of the show that they’re writing for. It’s obvious from the entire first two seasons of Discovery that the writers hadn’t given more than a cursory SKIM through any of the five CANONICAL series of Trek. As in TOS through ENT. The disrespect to me as a dedicated fan, the canon violation that would qualify STD as badfic if it was as mundane as’s criminal that none of those Peta’Q writers attempted to watch more than a cursory selection of episodes.

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