Subject: So.
Posted on: 2019-08-06 14:20:00 UTC

First of all, apologies for getting shirty for your typo, but I'm even more upset now after your response.

1. "Feminazis" aren't simply trying to force their own opinions on people. They want to challenge oppressive ideologies that to this day cause a great deal of suffering to many people - people like myself, if you care to know. You might not like them, I myself disagree with Anita Sarkeesian on oh so many things, but if they "ruin your fun" by pointing out that certain media tropes and types of representation are actively harmful to people, maybe you should reexamine your own views. And trust me, diversity has NOT become the main hiring point in Hollywood. Wanting to give more work opportunities to more women, queer people and POC doesn't mean the poor fragile white men will be out of a job any time soon, trust me.

2. What you are doing here, Minh, is the very definition of gatekeeping. You don't get to say who is a true fan and who isn't. Anyone who likes a piece of media can call themselves a fan - that's the whole point of fandom culture. I don't care how much obscure trivia they do or don't know, or even if they like Star Trek without having seen the goddam Tribble episode. I don't even like the JJ Abrams movies but they were my gateway into TOS, does that mean I'm not a """true fan""" because I didn't start with """real Star Trek"""? And you don't get to say what is true canon and what isn't unless you write the damn thing. You can criticize it if you think is bad, like what you keep and keep and keep doing with Discovery, but I'm sorry, pal, if it's been written into the franchise, that means it's a part of it now. Deal with it.

And Minh? What you absolutely don't get to do is say that feminists are worse than actual Nazis who literally want people dead based on their ethnicity or sexuality. I'm genuinely amazed that you can say that and call yourself a progressive with a straight face.

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