Subject: I sure am gatekeeping!
Posted on: 2019-08-06 15:57:00 UTC

That's because gatekeeping somebody out of a fandom of something that's fake and doesn't exist and is meant to be enjoyed by a wide audience, and gatekeeping somebody for failing constantly to live up to their stated beliefs are two very different things which probably shouldn't be compared.

It sure takes a lot more than voting for the less-blatantly right wing Aussie political party and disliking Donald Trump of whom even alt righters are getting sick of to convince me you're half as progressive you like to say you are. Oh, you aren't my racist grandmother, I'll give you that. Cheers. But this isn't going to devolve into a series of debating about specific actions that merit this or that as if expressing political ideology is like a videogame karma system: I've already mentioned the way you keep hooting conservative ideology with conservative terminology.

My point is made and you have done nothing to really counter it. You espouse conservatism constantly! You denegrate progressivism constantly, except in the most tokenistic sense. You equally constantly present this sense of gatekeeping nerd-entitlement and ownership over your favourite media, furious at the idea of your once small exclusive club being invaded by new people who Don't Get It, being hostile towards inclusivity in general, which is itself a way of acting and thinking massively associated with right wingers.

You keep saying you're progressive but I dunno what to say, I've still never seen you act on it. If it sounds like a duck and acts like a duck and looks like a duck, and all that. What am I meant to think?

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