Subject: Who ya gonna call?
Posted on: 2021-01-27 22:36:42 UTC

(ESAS, probably.)

An OC doesn't have to die to be removed from a continuum, whether it's a Sue or not. If it's of a supernatural persuasion, it's probably susceptible to exorcism or banishment. I don't know why Dementors and Boggarts wouldn't be susceptible to plain old destruction of some sort.

When it comes to deities, they can always be undone by their own illogic and bad writing. Claiming to be a god doesn't mean the Sue actually is one, especially if she's in a continuum with a well-established pantheon that noticeably doesn't include her. The law of canon is always superior to the will of the Sue. So are the laws of sheer logic. Also, being a god doesn't necessarily mean being indestructible.

Same goes for alleged immortals, really. And hey, if their immortality is totally implausible for their continuum, you can always drop them in a Reality Room.

Protip: you are never obligated to take the Sue's word at face value. The whole problem with Sues is that their stories talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Use their plotholes against them.

See: Sahkmet Black, Robecca, Blood Raining Night, and that's just off the top of my head. Maybe take a gander at the Assassination Methods page?


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