Subject: Re: Protectors of the Plot Discontinuum + 20
Posted on: 2022-05-15 01:05:02 UTC

Oh hey, this one is short! Dare I try to review it on my phone, while my big lizard friend soaks up his weekly sunlight infusion? Even though there are so very many ants around me?!

I don't think I've read this before. It's not exactly laugh out loud funny, but it's rather clever, for how short chapter one is. The simplicity of naming the agents "Sue" and "Mary" is so perfectly elegant! I do wish more time was spent on watching the OC, so we could get a bit more of the Suvian perspective, but I suppose that's too much external effort for Suvians! And, of course, this story is even less designed to world-build around than even the OS was.

How great that Jay and Acacia, and Mary and Sue, all picked Maiar disguises in the same week! And on a week that really needed some nice things, too.

Making a lot of bad misclicks . . . I guess this isn't really a project for a phone screen. Time to bring the lizard back home, anyway . . .

—doctorlit, imagining ant bites . . . Or is he?

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