Subject: Flying Sparks: Chapter three
Posted on: 2011-07-10 21:53:00 UTC

While Makes Thigns was having his lab prepared and getting used to the odd place, which we all know will one day be PPC headquerters, Things were happening on Castle Wolfenbach.

Othar TRygvassen, Gentleman Adventurer (Imagine it said in a deep, overdramatic and sexy voice) was in the process of escaping, yet again, from the clutches of the Evil Baron Wolfenbach. After defeating over a hundred battleclanks and a few dozen Yagermonsters he found himself in Makes things's old lab. Nobody had been able to turn the Device off so there was till this odd portal in the middle of the room.

While in the process of fighting off a swarm of yagermonsters Othar Trygvassen, Gentleman adventurer, found himself forced through the strange portal and into what would one day become PPC HQ.

However it wasn't PPC HQ just yet, it was just a lot of corridors and a few rooms. Other Trgyvassen wandered about for a while. For those of you who haven't read the totally awesome Girl Genius comics you should go do so right now! Because if you had you'd know that Othar Trygvasses, Gentleman Adventurer, has sword to kill all sparks, finishing off with himself. And that sparks are natural born Mad Scientists who can make all sorts of things. Which is how I know Makes Things must be one.

Anyway when Othat Trygvassen, Gentleman Adventurer, found himself in the lab of Makes things he knew at once that the man working there must be a spark.

Wasting no time at all Othar Trygvassen, Gentleman Adventurer, attacked only to be surprised when instead of hitting Makes Things with a powerful punch he was laid out on the floor.

You see Makes things had invented for himself a very thin exosuit that would allow him to fight better than the best fighters in the world. And that means fighting better than even the Magnificent Other Trygvassen, Gentleman Adventurer.

Makes Things then grabbed the Porrtal Gun he had just finished - it was the very first one ever - and used it to send Othar Trygvassen, Gentleman Adventurur, back to the world he had come from.

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