Subject: Smooth Skin [[NSFW]
Posted on: 2011-07-04 20:57:00 UTC

(OOC author's note: Tungsten_Monk here. Well, the gauntlet was thrown down in the very first post down there, so I decided to expand my repertoire a bit and play with an agent I rather enjoyed working with before.)

Title: Smooth Skin
Category: Romance
Rating: M+
Pairing: Brightbeard/???

Authors note: I am SO SICK and TIRED of being discrimenated aganst for writing what I want. What ever happend to YKINMK? If I get ANY nasty reviews for daring to write what MAKES ME HAPPY I will have the mods BAN YOU FROM THE SITE.

Anyway, heres the story!

Agent Brightbeard closed the door of the responce center behind him and leant aganst it, breathing heavily. He was alone, good. His stupid partner had gone to the cafeterea to go bother people again, which meaned he could do it again. It had been so long and he was so filthy.

His hands trembled as he opened the secret compartmant under the console and began to feel around. His hand touched cool steel and a shiver ran through him at the thought of its carress. Slowly he pulled out the object and its friends: the can the towel, the scissors. He groaned a little almost dropping all of them in anticipaton. It had been too long since hed done this and his thrusting manhood was aching in anticipation but though he had to be quick he would take his time. This was special. This was ........ sacred.

Slowly, oh so slowly, he picked up the scissors and moved their blades to the rich red beard under his chin. As the blades closed a burning feeling erupted in his meaty lance, unable to resist the visseral joy as the first curls began to fall. Each time the scissors blades closed he felt another spurt of pure joy until he felt as if he was covered in warm creamy happiness. Snip snip snip, and the first heavy hank of beard fell into his lap, the burning sensation in his joystick was almost to much to bare. Cold warm sweat soaked him as he reached for the can of shaving cream.

"Oh yes," he moaned as he lathered the warm slick soapy foam onto his face, the bristly remants of beaard teasting and tittilating his rough manly fingers. "Yes yes yes.......its been so long......." One hand took the strong, thrusting sheel shaft of the razor and began to draw it down his face. The razor burned as it stripped away the unclean beard, leaving behind only smooth pure skin, Brightbeards own steely shaft erupting in more creamy soapy joy as everything that made him angry and unhappy and dishonerable was shorn away and he was left new, as new as a dwarf should be, reborn in the carnal joy of the death of the unclean, bathed in sweat and creamy visseral glee.

"BRIGHTBEARD!!" a voice called and Brightbeard jumped. A piece of skin tore under the harsh yet tesingly firm blade of the razor and Brightbeard cursed. Barid was standing in the doorway gowking at Brightbeards private holy moment. Brightbeard felt a surge of disgust as he saw the stooped hairy troll a picture of everything unclean in the world. "What ye be doin mon??" the troll continued unaware of how unwelcome he was. "Brightbeard ye be losin yer beard!"

"Begone filth," Brightbeard said and threw the razor at Barid. It sank deep into his neck and he died spurting blood and clean on the floor. Brightbeard smiled and picked up the razor again.

(Further note from TM: I'm very, very sorry.)

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