Subject: My frist story!!!
Posted on: 2011-07-05 22:07:00 UTC

Ponies of teh Plot Continums: Fanfic is Magic!!!

A/N I dont own the PPC or MLP, but I luv them lots!! This is mmy forst stry so everypony has to be nice and give me lots fo good reveiws!!

Agent Sparkley Desu of tje Pnoies of the Plot Continnum was going to see the Sunflwer Bronie who was the leader of teh PPC.

He said he had a super kawaii mission for Sparkley Desy to go on.

Sparkley Desu is a Agent in the department of cute and unique freindships.

She had a pink coat witha yellow mane and tale.

Her cutie mark was a Yellow smily face that had sparkles aruond it.

When she gt to the Sunflwoer Bronie she said "Hello, Sunflower Broniw>"

The Sinflowr Bornie was a yellow bronie with a sunfloeer cutie mark.

"Helo Sparkley Desu.

You're msion is to be the frind of Sevrus Sanpe from teh Hairy Potter unverse."


She said with a swquee.

"Snape is so tattaly kawaii!!

I will be his friend!"

And then she portaled to Snaps room where he was all sadand lonly.

Snape was a blck brony witha tottaly gorss skullthing and snake as his cutei mark.

"Do not be lonly!"

Sparley Desu higged Snape and he wasnt lonly anymore.

Snapes coat turned fron black to a sparkley green and the his cutey mark turned into a smily face and rainbow (which is so mch cutter than a skill)

"I am not lonly abymore!"


And they went on a piknik and were frieds fro lif!!


A/N Srry that wsa so long guys. But I will rite moar if I get gud reveiws!!

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