Subject: King Makes-Things Chpater 2: Suicide Sucks
Posted on: 2011-07-07 02:50:00 UTC

(Authors note: i mean the character suicide, not actual suicide. I greatly recommend suicide for anyone that writes fanfiction about that tool. I also recommend anyone who likes said tool to read this fic so mahybe they'll finally get that their brin dead love object cucks and so they go kill themselves.)

(Ps: i don't own the ppc or it definately wouldn't have that tool suicide in it. I don't own star trek or whatever weird place suicide is from)

Chapter 2: Suicide Sucks

Make-sthings stood atop the burning ruins of the Queen Anne's Lace and gave it a few more good steps on to make sure it was dead. "Open up the intercom data,' he said to his robot minion, who plugged the mic into his chest and announced Makes-things voice thorughout the Department of Bad Slash (i know sui-tool is in DMS now but whatever)

"All ppc agents line up in the flower's office" Makes Things announced especially suicide you are getting promoted.

"What's my promotion"? suicide said after everyone had arrived. "This' said makes things as he took out steam-0powered gatling gun tha fires expliding bullets which burn through any kind of armor and emptied the clip into Suicides chest. "Got your wish finally huh tool!" he told the tool suicide, then he stomped on him a few times just ot make sure he was dead.

Makes things then turned the tun on teh rest of the agents and maket hem pledge allengence to his power. "I'm running the ppc now! Join me now or i'll make you join sui-tool!" no one else raised objections and he gbathered his army to assault the Department of GEologicl Abberations. He wanted to get ahold of that Star Crusher.

To be continued

(End note: There maybe now all you freaks will stop friggen spamming the theread with that fecking shive)

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