Subject: L'amour-propre [NSFW]
Posted on: 2011-07-06 05:36:00 UTC

Category: PPC
Titre: L'amour-propre
Summary: Agent Suicide is amourous of someone. WANK.
Rating: M(mmmmm!)

AN: This is the first time that i write a fic in english, i am french, thanks of correct me if i make errors. I have not written the PPC, it is just that i love the caracters specially Suicide because he is so viril. ^^ In all case, I hope that you like my story.

Agent Suicide was happy of be all alone in his RC in the end ! He disrobed himslef quick (AN: Thanks of tell me if that is the fashion right of say that ! Thanks !) and said himself, « Agent Suicide, you are the man the most attractive that i have ever seen. »

Then he answers himself, « Thank yuo Agent Suicide for your complement ».

Then he says himslef, « Agent Suicide, i love you. »

Then he beings to rub himslf, up and down. His virile membre was so big that he can use his two hands on him !

« Oh Suicid ! » he crys himslef as he rubs himself more quick. His member has been like iron now. Some instants more late, his member has explosed and ther is white liquide everywhere. He sighs contently and gos to sleep. His member is still hard because he is so manly !

The end.

AN: I hope that you like it ! Thanks of read and reviiew and please correcte my english !

((OOC: JOHANN II 4EVA! Lleu here, expressing my love for Sovereign Prince Johann II, by far the best of Liechtenstein's rulers. Hans-Adam II may have an interesting political philosophy, but he doesn't even come close to the awesomeness that was Johann II. [In all seriousness, though — I run a Liechtenstein appreciation blog.] In any case, I'm very amused that I'm not the only one who saw this and immediately thought of Suicide as the main character. >
> Sincere apologies to Tungsten_Monk.))

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