Subject: no flames ok?
Posted on: 2011-07-04 22:05:00 UTC

((Firebird766 speaking. I feel it's time for me to stretch my badfic muscle and give this thing a shot...))

tru luv forever by rikuforeverluv
Rating: T
Summary: OC/Xericka. its my OTP!1 r&r and no flaming or ill sick amareta on u!

the young maden who was born with te face thet bears her name was prambulatting delacetly down the ingresses of HQ. amareta silvereye was a tal tall womynly figur with delicit aluminum treses that floed like the niagra falls down her perfectly shapeed back. She had a scar acros her back that she hatted becus it remiimded her of the tragic deth of her famly at the hands of teh keybarer she had took her wepon from.

she anmulated to a perfictly oval shaped dor and knockked on it becus it belonged to her tru luv who was sad becus she mised her home continnumiumium, xerikka was a nobody who csme from the same contimuunun as amareta and they were perfect for eachohter becus of that. Everyhting was perfect an hapy but it was'nt becus xericca mised her home and her sisters.

amareta was sad xerikca was sad so she desided to vist her. alas they culdnt liv togeter becus her coworker gremlin was gelus and hated amareta becus amareta was so perfict and gorgus and had a keyblade with gems on.

but when amareta unfolded the portal she saw gremlin waz beting up xericcka so she hit gremlin with the keyblade and brok her head open and blod spiled out and xerikkca was savd. and then amareta and xericku got maried and lived togeter forever and were very hapy whil gremlin was made to do a relly bad fic alone in punishment.

((Why is it so hard to write this poorly?!))

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