Subject: Often up to the person looking
Posted on: 2009-01-06 21:51:00 UTC

FFnet doesn't allow MA rated stuff, but says the rating is for graphic sex and graphic violence. But what is graphic?

It seems that if you name all the bit parts by their proper names it's graphic (or too graphic for FFnet). Talking in metaphores and similies would often be okay for M, or even T (though will probably make half the people here want to slap you).

I once wrote a scene were there was one mention of how blood splattered. I offered it for consideration to an administrator of a fanfic site/forum and suggested an M rating. They said I should scratch the sentence about the blood and tag on an M rating (while the blood sentence was the only reason I thought it should be M). It's currently on FFnet with the blood line and rated T. Used to be M, but the rest of the story so is not, and I don't think the one sentence has enough shock effect in it to warrant the M.

And really do warn for things. There's another story, in the same fandom as my above mentioned story, where a torture scene takes place. It's rated T, but I stopped reading when the first joint popped. I asked the author to at least warn for gore if they weren't going to mark their story as M. The torture is built up slowly, and that's just too much drama (for lack of a better word) for a T rated fic.

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