Subject: Re: What?
Posted on: 2009-01-10 15:06:00 UTC

I know ages of consent vary, but what matters is the legal age in the country that houses the servers that host your fic. And if you're posting on lj, that's America. (Or is it Russia now? I lose track). The age of consent on livejournal is therefore 18, even if you're English and writing about English teenagers having perfectly legal and consensual English sex.

When all this kerfluffle went on last year (I seem to recall it was some extremely conservative American group causing hassle, or claimed to be; I forget the specifics), the rule being implemented was simply No Sex Involving Minors. In the ensuing purge of livejournals, fanart (and not necessarily realistic art) of possibly-minors was hit, as were some journals and.or communities in which people discussed their experiences of sexual abuse. Suffice to say, it was a tad silly, but the net result is you're better off not taking the risk.

Of course, locked posts are another matter, because it's not like the general public is just going to stumble upon them, be outraged, and report you.

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