Subject: I can't give you a definitite answer, but ...
Posted on: 2009-01-06 20:19:00 UTC

... where I always think of the line as being is; M = swearing frequent but not incessant and/or moderate violence and/or sex scenes that exist but aren't graphic.

NC-17 = incessant bad language and/or graphic violence and/or graphic sex.

I'd also suggest that rape and non-con are almost always NC-17 even if not gone into in too much detail (just a mention in passing could be M, but if you have such a scene, even a vague one, it ought to be NC-17).

And whatever rating you choose, always WARN for: slash or het (because people like to know before clicking the link) non-con, dub-con, threesomes/unusual pairings, underage!, kink, bad language, violence and character death.


PS: I believe that do not allow NC-17 type stories or graphic sex scenes. I'm not sure of the details, though, so I advise checking their terms and conditions etc.

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