Subject: Re: Uh-huh... *is scared*
Posted on: 2009-01-10 14:59:00 UTC

When you say leaking, what sort of quantities, velocities etc are we talking here?

If a man ejaculates inside a woman sans condom, and she then lies down for snuggles or sleep or angstiness or whatever (please, don't detail the whatevers you've found on for me), she's going to be feeling a bit... damp, thanks to their combined fluids.

If she gets up the next day, throws her knickers on, and dashes straight out to work, she's going to be finding semen in her undies all day. This is decidedly Not Pleasant.

If a woman has the sense to go to the toilet immediately or shortly after sex (because we don't want any UTIs, thank you very much), then some semen can be wiped away, and "bearing down" (as I believe is the technical name for those pelvic contractions used in passing waste, giving birth, and removing garlic if you're into home remedies for yeast infections) will help to remove much of the rest.

If a woman is trying to get knocked up, therefore, he best bet is to shuffle about immediately after sex so her legs are leaning up against a wall. This prevents leakage and so aids conception.

And that got disturbingly graphic, so maybe we should keep further technical sex questions to emails.

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