Subject: What?
Posted on: 2009-01-10 10:59:00 UTC

"On the other hand, don't ever specifically say a character is under 18 in an unlocked post if they're making with the sexytimes. There was an awful lot of "the intarwebz are exploding!" over that a while back."

But it all depends on what fandom you're writing for and what the legal age of consent was in the country it is set in/your country. I think that Britain's legal age is sixteen. If I was writing something set around Roman Empire times, surely it'd be acceptable to write about a thirteen year old girl, say, in the first stages of sex. It'd be too uncomfortable for me to go 'all the way', shall we say, but that was what happened in that era. In one country (I can't remember what) grown men are married to girls before they're even out of the womb.

A couple of my scenes involve seventeen year olds, because that's perfectly legal here. I've considered one with two fifteen year olds, but I can't remember what for and it's not that far from the legal age, so it's relatively fine compared to some things I've read. *glares at SuicideKing on AFF*

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