Subject: (More and more OT as she goes on) *waves*
Posted on: 2009-01-10 23:43:00 UTC

Or just subscribing to the RSS feed of your/Trojie's journal, as the case may be, so that they don't even have to log out. 'S what I do, for recent missions.

And, though in theory I understand the point behind LJ doing that, in practice it makes me want to bludgeon them. ie, "Yes, I approve of this! But why are you applying it to me?" I am hypocrite.

However, for the most part I avoid stuff with graphic... ness..., at least during the school year, because it makes me twitchy and useless. Oddly enough this has not stopped me reading it. *shrug* So, yes. We minors be tenacious! Or bloody-minded, or something.

C, who is going to stop now, and justify her rambling as relief that she's on the Board again.

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