Subject: Lady Iximaz pondered the Baron's proposal.
Posted on: 2015-02-05 12:57:00 UTC

What on Earth could he want sand for? Did he intend to produce glass? Use it in construction?

"Well, my lo- er, Baron," she said, mentally chastising herself for the slip, "if it is sand you wish to trade for, I see no objections."

She requested that, in exchange for her barony's sand, the trade restrictions currently in place would be lessened. After all, she reasoned, once Huinesoron's final product was revealed, it would likely be possible for her own craftsmen to replicate it; Baron Huinesoron had said nothing about the final product being under his sole control.

[Yeesh, I'm not good at this politicking schtick. A thousand curses on my inexperience!]

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