Subject: Doc and Vania's first meeting, take two!
Posted on: 2020-02-17 22:22:15 UTC

I feel like the way I introduced Vania’s memory loss and backstory was pretty blunt and uninteresting. If I could do it all over again, her first meeting with Doc would go a lot more like this, picking up six paragraphs into my spin-off . . . (not betad.)

Agent Doc simultaneously stood up and flung himself backwards, bruising himself somewhere he wouldn’t notice until later. He lay there on his elbows, staring at the human hand poking out from the clothes. After a couple of minutes of watching it do nothing, he rolled to his stomach and stood up. It was probably just a model or something. He leaned forward again and poked at a finger.

It was warm. And then the hand reached out and wrapped around his wrist.

For the second time, Doc tried to fling himself backwards out of the closet, but the grip on his right arm was too strong for him to break free. As he wrenched his arm to get it loose, the pile of clothing began twisting around and surging upwards. Another hand appeared and started pushing away generic surface. Then the upper torso of a young woman with long, black hair and a business jacket erupted from underneath the clothing, and she sucked in a deep breath as Doc fell backwards again.

Doc stared at her. The woman stared back. “What?” she asked.

Doc blinked. “Hi,” he said.

“That’s not what I asked.”

“. . . Right. Um.” Doc blinked again. “Who are you?”

The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Yeeeaaaah. Who are you, come to think of it?”

“I’m Doc.”

“Of what?”


“What are you a doctor of?” she demanded.

“I’m not really a doctor. It’s just a nickname.”

“Hm.” She glowered and stood up out of the pile of junk, raising a fist. “I think I kill you?”

“Wha—no? No!” Doc scooted back a few feet on his palms and heels. “No killing!”

The woman drew one hand across her mouth, murmuring and moving her tongue around inside her mouth. She didn’t seem to like the taste, because she retched a bit. “Just in case,” she finally said, “I think kill.” She charged forward, fists raised above her head.

“No, no, no!” Doc yelled, putting one arm over his face as she drew near. She was pretty short and skinny, but Doc was no fighter. “I’m a PPC agent, I swear!”

The woman froze mid-step. “PPC?” she asked quietly. Her gaze drifted away from Doc’s face and slid across the floor. “PPC, yeah . . .” She sank to the floor and brushed her palm across the floor, the same hard-to-describe not-quite-grey substance Doc had seen everywhere else here. “Yeah, this is . . . our Headquarters . . .” Her gaze continued around the mostly bare room, not really looking at anything.

She was wearing mostly black clothes and had the same flower on her shoulder’s flashpatch that Doc did, so he figured: “You’re an agent too, right?”

“Agent?” She raised one hand and rested it on the patch. “The Hyacinth.” Her features twisted in confusion. “Hyacinth? What does that mean?” Her grimace grew worse as she put both hands to her temples and staggered back a few steps.

Doc slowly began to get up. “Are . . . are you&mdash”

“Shut up! Quiet!” the woman yelled. “Where’s Paul?”

“Who’s Paul?”

Her gaze snapped up to meet Doc’s. “Paul?” she asked. “Who’s Paul?”

Doc blinked again. “You just . . . you’re the one who asked about Paul . . .”

“Well, that doesn’t make much sense, does it?” She started marching on him, frustration in her eyes and voice. “Considering I don’t even know a Paul, and after all, you’re the one who brought him up! So who’s Paul, now?”

“I, I don’t know!”

“Then why are we even talking about him? Ugh!” She flopped down into a bean bag chair, which spit foam pellets out of a seam.

Doc stared at her for a few minutes. She had closed her eyes, though Doc didn’t think she really could have fallen asleep that fast. He ventured, “Sorry, what was your name?”

Her eyes snapped open, and she popped up with a grin and bounce. “Hiya! Name’s Vania Tolluk, Department of Floaters, Protectors of the Plot Continuum. Pleased to meet ya!” She shot out one arm and grabbed Doc’s hand, shaking it enthusiastically. She suddenly stopped moving her arm and frowned. “Do I know you?”

“No, we only just met. I’m a new recruit, and I’ve just been assigned to this response center.”

“Good!” She resumed shaking his hand. “That’s real good! Fine and dandy, yep!”


As the monstrous noise shrieked through the air, Doc clutched his ears in pain while Vania ran for the computer that was making it and dramatically hit a big red button. “Sounds like you’ve got your first mission, newbie!” She bent over and started reading the details on the screen.

“Aaauuhh . . . ” Doc whimpered as the noise subsided. “Why is that so loud?”

“I had to turn it up loud. Sometimes, Paul wouldn’t hear it over his games.”

Doc tilted his head. “Okay, so you do know Paul?”

“Paul?” Vania peeked over her shoulder at Doc. “Never heard of him. Is he in this Fahrenheit 451 canon? It’s not one I know.”

Doc sighed. “No, never mind.”

“Focus on the job, newbie! I’ll happily show you the ropes on this mission. If we get through it fast enough, maybe we can beat Paul back from wherever he’s at!”

“Right . . .” Doc joined Vania at the console and started reading the story’s summary . . .

Welp. I think I like this better. I suspect I was afraid of presenting Vania’s condition as too serious back in my early days, to avoid making people think my spin-off was going to be too dark. This definitely changes some things going forward, but I’ve been wanting to fix stuff up for a while, particularly the fact that Vania’s outgoing nature doesn’t jive with her fear of people finding out about her memory loss. I think someday I’ll plug this in and see what changes it produces going forwards.

Neshomeh, thank you for this excuse to revise things and make them better!

—doctorlit, revisionlit