Subject: Yay! Thank you!
Posted on: 2020-03-05 05:30:09 UTC

Ironically(?), the original scene didn't happen in RP! I was out of the loop a lot due to my friends being in Australia and New Zealand, so I had lots of gaps to fill in for my fic. As I recall, that scene popped into my head more or less in one piece out of the blue, and I wrote it out really fast and shared it before I should have, just to say "hey I'm not dead." In retrospect, that is never a good reason to publish anything. {= )

Hm, the whole story is Jenni Jenni-ing. ^_~ I'm guessing you meant the part with the cords? I had a lot of fun with that. It's probably the main reason I wanted to go through with the rewrite, and I look forward to playing with those sorts of synesthetic impressions more as opportunities arise.

(Side question to any and all: what do your characters look like if you distill their souls down to a few key colors and connotative sense impressions in this fashion? How about favorite canon characters?)

I also enjoyed the absolute irony of the Legilimency bit. Thanks for noticing. ^_^


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