Subject: Pancakes! Chapter (5)4 - Aragorn & Boromir: Remastered
Posted on: 2020-02-27 13:49:36 UTC

Zingenmir: Honestly, I have no idea what's going on, either. I keep checking the next few chapters (Pancakes! itself, the part I'm rewriting, is only seven chapters; the rest is the Lost Pancake Tales), but the purported plot leaves my head as soon as I look away. Spirit of 2003, etc. :)


It would be unfair to say that Aragorn and Boromir weren't on speaking terms. Certainly, Boromir's resentment over Aragorn's royal lineage and manly stubble was on the verge of consuming him alive; and it was equally true that returning to the place he had first met Arwen had filled Aragorn's head with thoughts like 'but I'm still not king' and 'maybe I should dress more like Boromir and less like a hedgerow'. But in principle, they were still talking to each other. They just didn't have anything they trusted themselves to say.

At this particular moment, their non-communication was taking place among the trees Caras Galadhon, the City of the Galadhrim, the Moated Fortress of the Trees, the Heart of Elvendom on Earth, and a dozen other ways of saying 'hill full of treehouses'. Ostensibly, they were discussing events in Gondor, and whether taking the Ring through Minas Tirith was a good idea (Boromir) or an invitation to Grand Theft Jewellery (Aragorn). But the conversation had long since lapsed into the kind of brooding silence that echoes off mountains and drowns out any attempt to speak.

Aragorn was on the verge of heading off to polish his sword or something, and was in fact busy deciding whether to mark his exit with a brusque nod, a grunt of farewell, or simply a capital-L Look, when he spotted someone moving through the trees. "Ho, Legolas!" he called, raising one hand in greeting. "What is that strange burden you bear? It looks like-"


The two Men staggered, even their mighty strength useless against the pancake onslaught. Boromir, indeed, lost his footing, but Aragorn managed to steady himself - just in time to be bowled over by four waist-high figures hurtling out of the woods.

"Strider!" Sam was the first on his feet, tugging at Frodo's arm to help him look. "Look, Mr. Frodo, it's Strider!"

"And Boromir, too," Merry added, scrambling off the Gondorian's chest. "But we're too late!"

"If you're not eating those," Pippin said, greeting both Men with a huge grin as they scraped their faces clear, "I'd be happy to take them off your-"

"Be quiet, all of you!" Frodo, steadied by Sam's broad shoulders, looked down at Aragorn, his eyes once again wide. "It's Legolas," he explained, his face pale. "He's been throwing... well, you know. If we don't stop him... I fear something terrible will happen."

Aragorn studied the Hobbit's face, then handed his tattered pancake to Pippin and clambered upright. He held out an arm to Boromir, hauling the other Man to his feet.

"He was heading up the hill," the Ranger said gravely. "He can have only one destination in mind... and he already has a head-start."


Paragraph one owes a series debt to the excellent Very Secret Diaries. Most of the rest, I'm afraid, comes straight out of my own head.


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