Subject: He needs to go.
Posted on: 2020-05-25 02:47:14 UTC

(As a preface, I haven't read any of the replies to this as of writing - my intention right now is to say my piece, then keep my nose out of this discussion until and unless a formal vote is called for or someone points out that I've said something decidedly uncool, in which case, make a reply post here and include a request for a moderator to poke me on Discord, elsewise I will not see it.)

I don't see the point in wasting my breath on being eloquent or even especially polite about this matter. SRPA has been formally spoken to on three separate occasions about his conduct, with mod hat explicitly on. Those are just the times I know of. In my book, without any notable effort made to actually improve his behavior in the slightest, that's a sign on his own that he and this place don't get along.

I won't make baseless accusations about why he does the things he does. That won't serve a purpose. But I will formally propose, at the very least, that SRPA should be officially given the boot. We have been endlessly patient with him, given him every reasonable benefit of the doubt, and he seems to have taken that to mean he can use us to wipe his feet. He has done nothing but hurt community members again and again and again.

He needs to go.

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