Subject: My two cents.
Posted on: 2020-05-25 18:33:05 UTC

I'll admit that I haven't had many unpleasant interactions with SRPA. Since I'm on the autism spectrum, I tend to try and have the benefit of the doubt when people don't really seem to 'get it' at first when it comes to what is and isn't acceptable in a given situation. But I also tend to have various channels on the Discord muted except for when I want to look at them. And even then I've been avoiding looking at the videos he posts in recs-and-plugs, since the tags he tends to use aren't really anything I want to see if I can avoid it.

Honestly, when I see him post a video or something that's tagged with a bunch of things that generally aren't considered acceptable here with no context, I just kind of think "if you know you have to tag it with so many things, why post it here in the first place? This clearly isn't the type of place that's into that." I've debated bringing that up with him before, but ended up not doing so. Seeing the screenshots Delta posted kind of makes me wonder if it would've even changed anything.

It doesn't seem like he's acting maliciously, but it also doesn't seem like he's trying to change his behavior (and in my opinion it's almost gotten worse, since he seems to think that it's fine to post things out of nowhere if he just tags them correctly). He also seems to think that deleting any not-so-good messages he posted after the fact makes it okay when that's not the case. Just because an uncomfortable message is gone doesn't mean that people weren't able to see it and be bothered by it. All it really does is get rid of the evidence.

All in all, I don't think that a ban would be a bad idea. Especially since he's been given multiple warnings already.

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