Subject: Simply put, ban until further notice.
Posted on: 2020-05-26 05:26:40 UTC

Gonna preface this by saying lately, I've not had good interactions on the discord, and am largely angry for various reasons, and that's probably putting bias on this. But hey, that's neither here nor there, so here are my thoughts.

SRPA's behavior has been longstanding, people have called him out for it, he is quick to apologize and delete posts, but there is no learning from these deleted posts. That doesn't bode well. That's it. A lack of learning and an incongruity with the community. It's just been escalated by the fact that he's made people uncomfortable, and I don't appreciate it when people who I consider to be my friends feel unpleasantness.

Ban until further notice, ie don't have a set end date in time. If he wants back, he can wait however long it takes for people to not care enough or prove that he's capable of learning.

  • Helsinki, miffed

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