Subject: Can't resist.
Posted on: 2014-01-20 13:07:00 UTC

The Doctor chances upon this meeting. Or possibly a future meeting. They tend to all go more or less the same way.

/general arguing as usual/

Notary: ...And, insofar as we, the remaining citizens of Gallifrey, are gathered and in council, [snipped for legalese] rule over the remainder of the organization termed the 'PPC'--

Fisherman: /comes out of a trance/ Wait, did you just--

Disentangler: She did. We're not taking over the PPC, Notary!

/dazed silence/

Disentangler: /looks around/ I said, we're not taking over the PPC!

Agent: What? Who said we were? Why would we want to?

Fisherman: It was the Notary.

Morgan: Of course it was the Notary. Who else would it be?

Notary: As we possess superior intelligence, although it would be difficult to discern this fact from these gatherings--

Fisherman: Hey!

Reader: You do realize, of course, that it would be extremely difficult for us to actually prove superior intelligence to every single person in HQ? They're pretty varied.

Librarian: /thoughtfully/ True, although with all of us together, we might well be--

Morgan: Can we focus? Notary, we're not taking over HQ.

Notary: /snidely/ Of course you would curtail the--

Fisherman: Does anyone else hear that?

Disentangler: Hear what?

Agent: Wait, is that--?

Reader: That sounds very familiar...

Librarian: /to the Notary/ It is not a question of denying ourselves the right to our proper place, but rather the denial of a wish to stage a coup against the Flowers--

Morgan: We're not staging any coups! No one is staging--

Fisherman: Um, Morgan, Librarian--

Morgan: Not now, busy--

Doctor:, what's going on here, then?

Disentangler: Well, you see, it started when...

/Morgan, the Librarian, and the Notary are now engaged in a shouting match/

Doctor: ...a Continuity Council?

Reader: It's...been interesting. I mean, we've withstood a Dalek invasion--

Fisherman: It was only Fearn, wasn't that much of an invasion--

Reader: --and, well, the Notary's always one to withstand--

Notary: Excuse me?

Reader: --and no one's shown more than a few false alarms in the way of wanting to follow Rassilon, so, generally speaking, we're doing pretty well!

Disentangler: /dryly/ We also manage to get things done, from time to time.

Doctor: A Continuity Council.

Morgan: Doctor, when did you get here?

Doctor: Oh, I just--popped in--/to Notary/ um, you were saying?

Notary: You would agree, Doctor, that Time Lords possess superior intellect--

Reader: Oh, do shut up for a change, we can't possibly prove--

Agent: Maybe we should try to. It would keep her quiet, if nothing else--

Morgan: I think you're missing the fact that even if we could prove 'superior intelligence' we won't be staging any coups--

Doctor: What's this, then?

Disentangler: /rolls eyes/ The Notary's latest idea is to take over HQ.

Morgan: Nothing to worry about, we stop most of her ideas. Shouldn't you have a companion?

Doctor: She's at home, actually.

Agent: Shouldn't you have regenerated by now?

Doctor: Oi! Nothing wrong with this body!

Reader: /quietly/ Well, if you like floppy hair...

Fisherman: And bow-ties, for that matter.

Librarian: Could we perhaps return to our true objective for this meeting?

Morgan: Yes, of course.


Doctor: So, what's this meeting about? Vacations? Intelligence? Jammy dodgers?

Fisherman: I think it had something to do with mapping Gallifrey's position in the sky from multiple planets...and there was definitely something about duct tape and the Notary...

I keep feeling like I'm missing a Time Lord, but there just aren't too many of them, are there...I mean, we've got Morgan, the Fisherman, the Disentangler, the Agent, the Librarian, the Notary, and the Reader...and I think that's everyone, isn't it? I mean, except for in this case, where the Doctor came to join...


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