Subject: A sample collar.
Posted on: 2014-01-16 15:48:00 UTC

The Notary (whose name is pleasingly symmetrical; I think she'd like that) is here represented in the standard Time Lord Big Stupid Collar. The colours have been chosen to represent the relatively minor Dromeian Chapter, purely because the other chapters would look like they were muscling in on the current Councillors' roles. Conveniently, the colour can be easily changed if/when she joins the Council.

Obviously, the only currently-unclaimed role is the Topaz Monitor (yellow), and there are at least two other Time Lord agents who may exist right now. That said, there are more colours available - I can't think of a gem for grey right now, but the position of the Onyx Advocate - who speaks for ideas which the Council seems opposed to, and against those the Council supports - can certainly be created.

(With both thanks and apologies to Dresden Codak for the image. It works a lot better in the original)


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