Subject: Hm...
Posted on: 2014-01-16 21:06:00 UTC

You do realize, of course, that the Reader is just under 200 years old? And, from her perspective, only actually left Time War-era Gallifrey less than a year back? I'm just...I'm not entirely sure she's the right choice for Topaz Monitor--well, no, she could probably do the job, with a lot of effort, but...she'd freak out about it. A lot. And I'm not sure how happy she'd be to be both doing that job and having so much responsibility. She's just...really not the Time Lord I'd choose for that job. Or for the job of Chairperson, for that matter--while she might be able to fill the role, she definitely wouldn't be my first choice: she's young, inexperienced, and, well, if she was made Chairperson, I think she'd end up just consumed by the fear that she'd follow in Rassilon's footsteps. I think she'd do much better in a slightly lower position--definitely one where she isn't actually more or less in charge of everyone else. Give her a century, and she might be the right choice; but just now, she really isn't (at least to my way of thinking, and to hers as well, I believe.)

In terms of an Onyx ___ position...sounds awesome, but I have no idea what sort of role would go with it. All that's really coming to mind is for someone to keep an eye on the trends in Time Lord Sues and Stus and look out for any who could be recruited...and, if any of them (or any Time Lord replacement characters) can be recruited, probably keeping an eye on them as well, keeping them under control. That is something the Reader could do (and is similar to something she was eventually going to do in her home canon, actually). The position could potentially be called the Oxyx Guard/Onyx Guardian, or something. But that's pretty much all I've got, and I'm not even sure if it even applies to this Council idea.

I do want the Reader to have a role, though. Any (further) ideas for what that role could be?

(Also, I think the Agent might have my vote for Chairperson. Not entirely sure, though.)


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