Subject: A further note
Posted on: 2014-01-21 01:12:00 UTC

I suppose that makes the Reader the youngest of this group, then...she's somewhere around 150 years old, although she may be a little older (research. I must do some at some point, unless someone wants to basically answer questions on Academy ages and so on). Curious fact--she's regenerated three times so far: twice due to the Time War, once due to the PPC.

...somehow, I doubt the Notary would approve of this lackadaisical approach to regeneration...

One thing I suppose I really should figure out is what on Earth Gallifrey the Reader's original Time Lord name was...not to mention how exactly she chose to be called 'the Reader'. At least I already know her Academy nickname...

/wanders off mumbling about Time Lords and their ridiculously long and illogical names/

/wanders back/ On another note, isn't writing with other people's characters fun? I mean, it does entail them kind of shuffling in and out of character, but you also get to learn new things about them...


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