Subject: As long as it IS important.
Posted on: 2014-01-15 15:01:00 UTC

The one thing we don't want is-- sorry, I'll put Morgan on for this bit.

The last thing HQ needs is Time Lords who are Time Lords just for the sake of being Time Lords. I mean, there are at least half a dozen of us around here! And that's not counting the ones who got turned into Time Lords because of whatever reasons.

Look, we're cool. I know we're cool. We have two hearts, can fly time machines, and don't stay dead. But... well, apart from the two hearts... what's special about that? Most PPC agents don't die, period - heck, the only reasons I've regenerated have been massive invasions of HQ, and those don't come up every day, you know. So expecting a Time Lord agent to keep regenerating is a bit ridiculous.

Unless it's the Agent or the Disentangler. They've got some weird suicide pact thing going on, I don't even know.

And TARDISes...? There's at least a couple of hundred of the things going around HQ right now, and they're not exactly useful for missions. Heck, I only use mine when I'm going out of HQ to check up on stuff.

So that's my question to all you wannabe Time Lords: why do you wanna be one of us? What've we got going for us that you can't get anywhere else? Because seriously, I can't see it.

Well, in my case, obviously it's my amazing sense of style. But given the collars, that's hardly a species-wide trait...

... she kind of goes on a bit, does Morgan.


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