Subject: "Wouldn't it be cool if" is okay for concept stage.
Posted on: 2014-01-16 13:27:00 UTC

Of course, the whole point of concept stage with a character is you put down an idea and then start fleshing them out more and more until they're, y'know, an actual character worth writing. Too many people skip the "let's actually develop this concept" stage after getting to the "wouldn't it be cool if" part though - I wonder if it's part of why so many people do a couple missions and then just vanish. Not all of them have that reason of course - and I'm kinda hypocritical even putting it forwards, aren't I, not having written/finished anything for three years? :P - but it could be a factor for some of the "I'm going to have a robot agent who fires lasers" crowd. Though I should add the caveat that all this should really apply not just to "wouldn't it be cool if" characters, but "wouldn't it be funny if" characters - if somebody's entire existence is one joke, that's not a very interesting person to read about, is it?

(On the note of Five Doctors: am I the only one who finds it odd that so much of a big deal is made about not crossing your own personal timeline, but just about every Doctor has had a special where he interacts with at least one of the previous Doctors?)

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