Subject: Yep, that sounds interesting.
Posted on: 2014-01-15 15:43:00 UTC

Most of our other Time Lords are renegades through and through (though I will nod in the direction of the Boarder Time Lords for a few [mostly written by me] notes about what pre-renegade Time Lords might be like as characters), so a bureaucrat-type character would be very interesting. Shall we assume she supported (or would have supported) 'Lord President' Rassilon's... not so clever idea?

(Beg pardon - I'm channelling Morgan again. She has Opinions)

I can actually see her more in the role of the Jade Warden, though: a Time Lawyer, as it were. Since she doesn't exist yet, I'm not too keen on you reserving the spot (as it were), but we can certainly consider a reshuffle if/when she appears on the scene.

And yes, you're absolutely right that that's the way to grow as a writer: write outside the box, outside your comfort zone, and see what you learn.


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