Subject: Thanks!
Posted on: 2018-01-13 19:22:00 UTC

Seriously, thank you for your comments. Both this set and the ones from the previous prompt session are very nice to read. This one is especially nice because when I came up with the Calaquendi (...five years ago, eek), I originally struggled some with figuring out what they were actually like, what made them distinct from each other. I doubt I'm done figuring it out, but it looks like at least a good chunk of what I have figured out came through here, so...thanks.

The plants...well. I went back to the first place that mentions them (a giant unfinished 50+ page mission that Lily and I were writing, which I might try to edit and finish since it does have a lot of things I like in it and the badfic is even still up) doesn't say there, of course, but there are definitely roots on the floor. I'm going to say that some of them are in pots--flowers especially, and whatever's just been brought in--but for the most part they're...well, there's probably a dirt floor? Either that or they really are growing out of the generic surface, which I can't imagine would make the Calaquendi feel at all at home. Either way, they're mostly not in pots.

Also. Um. I'm completely sure it was unintentional, but your one little question about the plants sparked a whole long thing that culminated in a new piece of plot being added to some interludes I was already working on and four pages of writing for it, all over the course of one evening. So. Um. Thank you? It's been one heck of a snowball, and I'm pretty sure it's still rolling, to some extent (beyond the fact that I now have to figure out what happens next...)

Anyway. Thank you.


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