Subject: "When will I see you again?"
Posted on: 2018-01-04 20:11:00 UTC

AN: Right! I basically used this prompt as an excuse to have a bit of "fun" with some ideas I've had around for a little while. I did my best to ensure this makes canonical sense for 40k, but facts about Prospero are light on the ground, and I am bad at research. So I didn't have a ton to work with. OTOH, I didn't have a ton of constraints, either. I'm mostly worried I screwed something I don't know about up, but I don't think I did.

Thank you to Nesh for making some very helpful suggestions that made this story a lot better, to 'Plith for helping double-check that it makes canon sense, and to, Quincy, Granz, and Calliope for giving it a once-over and checking to ensure I hadn't lost my mind, at least from a people-not-overly-familiar-with-40k-canon-who-just-want-a-neat-story perspective.

With that over with, on to the story proper:

“I don’t know if you ever will. But if so... it won’t be like this. I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t believe it, at first. That you were really going. I had the utmost faith in you, but—”

“No. You thought I would fail.”


“Don’t deny it. I can see it, clear as day.”

“Kann, please.”

“There’s no shame in your lack of belief. It’s rare for anyone to be chosen. And I’m far from perfect. You, of all people, would know that. To have that faith in me would have made you a fool.”


“Why are you doing this to me, Kann?”

“...Because I’m afraid, Erek. I’m terrified of leaving you. And maybe if I pretend I can’t feel it, the pain will stop.”

“I understand that, I think. But… please. Stop trying to hurt me. Because I can see how much it’s tearing you up. And I’m afraid too.”

“You have little to fear.”

“I’m about to lose you.”

“You’ll find someone else.”

“Not you.”

“...No. Not me.”

“Kann… don’t go. Not yet. I want you with me.”

“I leave at daybreak. Until then...”

“Until then, we are together?”

“Of course. For as long as I can manage.”

[...Time Passes...]

“This really is the end then.”

“I have to go. I don’t want to, but I have to.”

“It is an honor, I suppose.”

“Being chosen to serve the Emperor… it is the greatest honor. But sometimes, I wonder if it’s worth giving you up. Not that I could turn it down if I wanted to.”

“...I love you, Kannan.”

“And I love you, Erek.”

“Should I ever see you again… will you at least greet me?”

“Of course, Erek. If I can, I’ll do that for you.”



The Thousand Son now known as Thoth looked up. “What is it you wish, Tom?”

Tom took his head out of his book to look at his partner. “I was just wondering… what was it like, being chosen to be a Space Marine?”

Thoth was silent for a moment. “I was more than a boy, at least. Many are chosen to join the Astartes sooner than I was. Although the training in my powers had begun long before that, as it did for all children gifted with such things upon Prospero.” There was another pause. “I began my training, and I left my life behind. That is what you do, when you are chosen.”

“Did it hurt? Leaving your home?”

“...No,” Thoth said. For a brief instant, Tom thought he saw a hint of… something in the marine’s eye. Sadness, or regret, maybe. But it could have just been a trick of the light.

Disclaimers: Thoth, Tom, and Erek are mine, The Laundry Files belongs to Charles Stross (it never really shows up here, but Tom's from there... just being safe), Warhammer 40k, Prospero, The Thousand Sons, and so on belong to Games Workshop, and the PPC, of course, belongs to Jay and Acacia, in the trust of the PPC Board and the PGs held therein.

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