Subject: Re: prompt
Posted on: 2018-01-09 22:31:00 UTC

This story does a good job of leaving the reader with uncomfortable questions that really can't be answered. I still can't tell if Lilianna is meant to be a Sue, with Agamemnon and his father getting recruited from her story and her being studied as a specimen; or if she's a former agent who got Suefluenced and is being cared for the Medical Research Division, with her family members waiting for her recovery. That level of speculation is tricky to create in a story so short, so very well done on giving us just enough info to get invested, but not quite enough to keep us from wondering—and that's not even getting into the question of what information Agamemnon was trying to get from Lilianna in the first place.

Lilianna is a cringe-inducing, negative character in just about every aspect imaginable. You get it across in every tiny action and detail of her you give. I do feel that the implied incestuous feelings are a bit too much, but I'm glad you at least ended on a tiny shred of hope that Lilianna wants this situation to get better.

A couple of potential continuity errors: First, I assume this is taking place before DMSE&R changed into DAS? I want to ask, since you said Agamemnon is a TYH character, and wasn't sure if this scene is taking place in our past as well as his.

Second, the DAS/E&R-that-was actually has white-painted walls and skylights, rather than looking darker than the rest of HQ. This was seen in Lily Winterwood's spinoff. I do like the idea of medical classes being taught there, though.

—doctorlit probably wouldn't have known about the skylights off-hand, except that he wrote a scene in the main entrance foyer of the old DMSE&R for his Thirty Hs mission

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