Subject: Thanks for the feedback!
Posted on: 2018-01-11 07:06:00 UTC

On your points about continuity flubs:-

This is indeed taking place before DMSE&R was merged into DAS. Agamemnon is sometime cameo-haver Algernon Wymbourne (of the DIA)'s teenage son - when this story's set, he's somewhere between fourteen and seventeen, because I am extremely uncomfortable about sending people under the age of majority on missions in which they might die. The PPC is a fun and happy place, and child soldiery and the implications thereof are not a subject I wish to cover in a proper spinoff.

Lilianna is indeed a Mary-Sue, and one of the worst type; one who Just Doesn't Care about the setting she's violating. The point of her badfic was to do a love story between the author's idealized self-insert her and Jonathan Strange, of & Mr Norrell fame. She treats her husband cruelly and barely thinks about her son because they were little more than set dressing except when they were obstacles to be overcome. In terms of PPC canon, Algie fell through one of the plot holes she created and (with a little help from the Guardsman) persuaded the DoI to pull everyone out, including all the manor's servants.

In many ways, Algie and Agamemnon are the polar opposites in terms of sentiment and style to Lilianna: stiff where she is informal, distant where she is approachable, that sort of thing. While these were traits assigned to them, it's continued into their tenure as PPC staffers. Algie is a good and principled man, who feels a duty of care to almost everyone he meets; Agamemnon is a dandy and a wit who uses manners and repartee to mask deep insecurities and unwarranted shame.

As to the decor of DMSE&R... well, that's a straight-up screwup on my part, I'm sorry to say. In my defence, I've never read any of Lily Winterwood's stuff, but that's a pretty rubbish defence, particularly when the wiki is a thing. I should have checked, and I should have done better. Of course, places with clean white walls and skylights can still have deeply oppressive atmospheres; the decor can only do so much to hide the sawbones and the screams. Still, it was a mistake and one which I shall not make again. =]

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