Subject: And here's my shot at it.
Posted on: 2018-01-09 22:56:00 UTC

My thanks to Delta Juliette and Calliope for beta-reading this prompt.

Marina Nicodelli was crouched on her bed in the Response Center. Her mini Yale was napping in his corner of the room, and her partner had left not long ago for a few days with with his family for Christmas. From the sound of it while Richard had been wrapping his presents, his home situation wasn't stellar. Not that there was something she could do about it. She had her own problems with Christmas to deal with. And she could do it better alone.

Problems which were pretty much summed up by the photo she was looking at the moment. It was one of the few mementos of her life she had left after the Fomorians had burned it to the ground and attempted to kill her.

She was barely in the background of the photo, a half-smile on her face. Not that she had been unhappy at having the opportunity of being with her family for Christmas; she had been quite happy at the idea of spending the holiday with them. Not having to worry about any sort of trouble or ritual prepared to take advantage of the holiday had been as good for her as possible.

But... Her little sister Felicia, pictured sitting down in front of her with a big grin on her face, had received the first season of one of her favorite shows, My Little Pony, and she just had to start watching it as soon as possible, heedless of her older sister inside her anti-hexing circle. Marina had been unable to get out while Felicia cheered at her show. Marina sighed at the memory. At least Felicia had chosen a decent one to watch.

Next to the two sisters were their parents. Victor Nicodelli was fairly average at five-foot-eight, rather stout, with greying brown hair and a close-cropped beard, which was also turning grey. There was some subdued joy on his face and in his green eyes, like when he had taken her to a shooting range for the first time. He still looked rigid though, as if he had to be ready to spring to duty at any moment. He had been quite relieved nothing had happened on Christmas- it had waited for New Year's Eve. And trouble had been generous enough to involve Marina by making one of the suspects a ghoul.

Her mother had handled the resulting fallout as well as she could at the time. Namely, by putting up a good front for Felicia so she wouldn’t worry too. While she did that, she would ask herself once more why she had accepted her eldest daughter learn about magic rather than letting it go away. But none of that worry could be seen on the photo. Jessica Nicodelli was about six feet tall, with the same black hair as her daughters, although some white hair could be seen here and there. She had the same slender build as Marina, and a quiet presence that could be felt even through the picture.

Marina hadn't seen them for years now. She missed them, especially during the end of the year. Her master too, the old bear. John Riders. An americanization from his old name, back when he lived in Flanders.

The old man had been a stern master, and showed her how close she'd been to the edge in that alley. Magic was not a toy- under his instruction she'd witnessed the evils of black magic, and the terrors it inflicted. That the same old man had liked to read Twilight And Fifty Shades of Gray had left her rather dumbfounded. He would always laugh at the books before talking about how the standards of the White Court for ghostwriters had dropped in the last decades. Meyer certainly didn't compare to Stoker.

Marina lost herself in memories of him and her family for a while. Memories were all she had, for now. The C-CADs which had worked long enough to get a reading on her would constantly oscillate between ‘canon ‘verse’ and ‘RP setting’ regarding her origins. A pretty way of saying that as long as she didn’t know where to go back, she couldn’t go back home. And unless her… author wrote something about how things canonically were back in Philadelphia, it would remain that way until he ended the series.

Sure, she could probably live long enough to wait the end of the series out. She could probably even go back to the moment she had jumped for the Nevernever once the time for retirement had come. Or, more preferably, she would come back later, and away from her would-be killers.

But if things always went as expected, she wouldn’t have ended up facing what she had thought to be a psychotic junkie on her way back from school. It wouldn’t have ended up being a Renfield, a berserk thrall of Black Court Vampires. She wouldn’t have ended up crushing him to the ground with a power she didn’t understand yet. She wouldn’t have ended up discovering a world larger and more fascinating and dangerous as she thought. And she certainly wouldn’t have ended up discovering an even larger and more fascinating and dangerous one after that.

And if things went unexpectedly again, her family and her master would never be the wiser about it. Marina Nicodelli would be dead, in her office, or her apartment, or in an alley, or in the Nevernever. But she most certainly would not be killed in the service of some sort of multidimensional organization. An organization which looked at many, many universes as fictions, and fought eldritch abominations trying to make them fit their twisted desires.

But for now, all she could do was look at the picture and ask one question. “When can I see you again?”

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