Subject: Thank you.
Posted on: 2018-01-12 23:06:00 UTC

The idea of a lonely scene felt rather normal to me when I started writing, and I didn't really see Marina wanting to talk that out with someone. She sees this situation as her problem, and one she cannot fix at the moment. The first version of the prompt didn't even use the line, only implying it. But Delta also pointed out it was a to short one, and once I expanded it, the line just flew in.

The additional bits I added along the photography's description also springed to mind while I was writing about her family, and were a fine way of fleshing up the prompt in my mind... once I got the sentences to be less clunky. And well, Marina has been moving away from normality from the day she discovered about magic. PPC is only taking this journey further than even the Dresdenverse could manage.

Renfield is a modern moniker for a special breed of thralls. Bottom line of that worldbuilding bit: Black Court Vampires are a breed of pretty much Stoker vampires, except they look like super zombies rather than unaturally beautiful, and naturally got hit hard when everyone could get their hands on a book describing all their tricks and weaknesses, and the White Court is a rival breed of vampires, psychic predators preying on lust, fear, despair... Renfields take their name from the madman of Dracula, and are thralls with their minds so ravaged they become crazed berserkers, and only got worst from there, not lasting long before they go on a pretty much self-destructive rampage. They're 'as good as' dead the moment their mind got shredded enough to earn that moniker.

I have to thank Desdendelle for the last point. When I asked for Permission for the first time, Marina was still a character I had designed for a Dresden Files RP settled in Philadelphia, and the setting I created wasn't quite identic to Real World, something he pointed out. Tweaking her backstory to bring it back to Real Life Philadelphia did put her somewhere between 'canon' and 'RP character' in my mind. Meaning that Butcher hadn't written anything about the situation in Dresdenverse!Philadelphia, so she doesn't contradict canon... unless Butcher does write about Philadelphia (no clue about this ever happening though).

I figured out it would be a good idea to reflect this with her having instable home 'verse. It would also make a good initial justification for her staying in the PPC rather than trying to go back home. Not everyone falling into a plothole want to stay, but not everyone can go back either.

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