Subject: Heehee.
Posted on: 2019-02-25 23:08:00 UTC

My theory (in case you didn't read Jenni's follow-up response) is that there is just one Monitor, and the "schism" is just a stunt designed to pull in more readers. As we all know, getting people to fight about what team they're on is great for publicity, and if all the subscriptions are secretly going the same place anyway, brilliant! ^^

Possibly it was also a way to test out a new format and gauge reader response without risking the loss of the loyal base if it flopped. (Which it obviously did; forget quality journalism, we want our scandalous rumors and our Page Three, darnit!)

Or possibly someone really did try to co-opt the presumed-abandoned brand, and there was some sort of attempted legal battle, but since Legal doesn't actually care, here we are.

Also: Estelnar. Darling. You should know better than anyone that the more strenuously you deny or try to avoid a fact, the more people will believe it anyway. ^
^ Also also, have you met Agent Huinesoron? You might find you have lots to talk about. (I'd suggest Agent Eledhwen, too, but I know you already know of her.)


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